# abcm2ps [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/leesavide/abcm2ps.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/leesavide/abcm2ps) ### Overview abcm2ps is a C program which converts music tunes from the ABC music notation to PostScript or SVG. Based on [abc2ps](https://github.com/methf/abc2ps), the Postscript generator for ABC music notation by Michael Methfessel, it was first developped to print barock organ scores that have independant voices played on one or many keyboards and a pedal-board (the 'm' of abcm2ps stands for many or multi staves/voices). Since this time, it has evolved so it can render many more music kinds. Note that this program is at end of life. Its successor is [abc2svg](https://chiselapp.com/user/moinejf/repository/abc2svg). ### Features The features of abcm2ps are based on the [ABC draft 2.2 (February 2013)](http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.2). The differences are listed in the [abcm2ps/abc2svg documentation](http://moinejf.free.fr/abcm2ps-doc/features.html). ### Installation and usage The installation procedure is described in the file INSTALL. To build the program with default settings run ``` ./configure make ``` Basically, the program usage is: abcm2ps [options] file1 [file1_options] file2 [file2_options] ... where file1, file2, .. are the ABC input files. This will generate a Postscript file (default name: `Out.ps`). Run `abcm2ps -h` to know the list of the command line options. ### Documentation - abcm2ps.rst describes all command-line options. When `abcm2ps` is installed, it may be read by `man abcm2ps`. - the features and format parameters are described in http://moinejf.free.fr/abcm2ps-doc/index.html ### Links Author's page: http://moinejf.free.fr/ To know more about the ABC music notation, have a look at http://abcnotation.com/ Guido Gonzato maintains many abcm2ps binaries and more documentation at http://abcplus.sourceforge.net/